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Hey everyone!!

As many of you know, I recently graduated with my Masters in Social Work. To be able to attend graduation, we took a small trip to the valley of Texas - near the border of Texas and Mexico. This was a pretty cool opportunity because this is an area of Texas that we haven't been to yet. Additionally, it's a very cool and unique area to be as a non-native Texan to experience a truly Hispanic immersed Texas culture. We truly enjoyed our quick weekend trip.

We had the opportunity to stay in an AirBnB this trip, rather than our usual hotel stay, which was pretty fun. Also, it was a unique AirBnB stay because it was a completely renovated stationary trail home, which also had an add-on room and bathroom attached. The interior renovations and add-on's were beautifully done! It was interesting to stay in such a small and intimate living space with my wife and our kids because we got to spend a LOT of time together - more so than usual. It gave us an opportunity start spending much needed time together after not being able to do that as much as we'd liked to while I was in the thick of my master's program and final practicum.

While we were in the valley, we mostly ate in our AirBnB- having made a quick trip to the grocery store and grabbed some easy meals. We did however make a quick trip to Applebee's being we got to our AirBnB which was a good time as we met with family members who had also made the trek down to the valley to see me walk the stage. Additionally, we got to experience almost beach like weather while in the valley - which was quiet refreshing as it just recently started to get cold in our home area of Austin, Tx, just before our trip.

After graduation, which was by far a much better experience the second time around than it was for my undergraduate degree, we grab one of the best meals I've ever had! We ate at La Fogata in McAllen, Tx. The restaurant was quite packed but so worth the wait. After eating with my family, we packed up and returned to our AirBnB for the night.

The next morning, we loaded up and hit the road to Austin. Although we didn't stop anywhere special in route, the drive to the valley and back wasn't to bad. There isn't very much to look at as much of the route we took was flatlands and pastures but there was little to no traffic both ways - which is always nice.

I can truly say that although I was quite apprehensive to participate in the ceremonial part of completing my Master's degree, it was a great mini-vacation for my family and nice to have my hard work these past two year celebrated.

Thanks for reading,

D'Vaughn Delpit

Dreams of Wonder Travel Agency

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Adam Farris
Adam Farris
Jan 19, 2024

Congrats on your graduation! I'm glad you got to celebrate and spend time with your family.

Road Trip
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